Waste to CO2-free Hydrogen and Carbonates: Blueplasma Power has a patented technology to convert into CO2-free Hydrogen and Circular Carbonates the very difficult waste to valorize (mixed plastics, textiles, foams, paper, …) that nowadays are going to landfills or incineration. We can do it on-site, at a small scale and very profitably.
VALUE+ pilot plant was co-financed by the European Commission Projects (H2020 and LIFE) 2016-2021 with more than 1,000 hours of operations, testing many feedstocks.

GAS+: Natural gas steam reforming to produce hydrogen at atmospheric pressure and moderate temperature, using an own patented hydro-photo-catalytic process assisted with a steam plasma torch. This process is capable of reducing the use of natural gas up to 20%.
GAS+ pilot plant was built and tested co-financed by IVACE (spanish national entity for funding innovative technologies).